How to Use Instagram Followers to Build Your Business Brand
With the Instagram like bot, major brands buy instagram followers and companies
like Starbuck, MTV, Nike and Marc Jacobs, to name just a few, are jumping on
board aggressively adopting the mobile photo app into their marketing
According to Simply Measured, 59% of the Top 100 Global
Interbrand Brands already have Instagram accounts. And based on the Instagram
blog, the two-plus-year-old platform reaches over 100 million active users each
month. What makes Instagram different from other social media networks? Most obvious
is that it's almost entirely photo-based. But beyond that, its simplicity makes
it an effective vehicle for engaging consumers since they can express
themselves from anywhere, anytime.
Why should your business use Instagram?

If you're looking for inspiration about how to grow
your current Instagram community check out examples from four brands that are
successfully integrating the platform into their marketing mix: instagram followers
· Red Bull - Through a recent Instagram contest Red Bull gave
away two tickets to this year's Red Bull King of the Rock Finals basketball
tournament in San Francisco. Followers were asked to take a picture of
themselves with a basketball in unexpected locations and tag their photos
#TakeMeToTheRock. The contest not only got followers excited, it also let Red
Bull to make a statement to and connect with the sports community.
· Ford Fiesta - In early 2012, Fiestagram was one of the first
Instagram campaigns executed by a big brand. Ford engaged its target audience
with a simple photo competition. Approximately 16,000 photos were posted during
the seven-week campaign and the promotion received great visibility on Facebook
and Twitter as well, with many users linking their social networks.
· Tiffany & Co. - A Tiffany campaign offered followers 3 new
photo filters: Tiffany blue, peach, and black and white. Followers were
encouraged to tag photos of themselves and their significant others
(#TrueLovePictures) and Tiffany featured a selection on its "True Love in
Pictures" website. The effort enabled Tiffany to give its followers
relevant, brand-related content, while also inviting them to take part in the experience. instagram followers
· Comodo - The Soho, NY eatery recently created an
"Instagram menu" by asking clients to snap photos of their meals and
tag them with the hashtag #comodomenu. Now, diners and curious prospective
customers at this Latin American restaurant can enjoy a more interactive dining
experience by searching the hashtag to see photos of the restaurant's
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